Saturday, November 24, 2012

First Post

I tried to think of a clever or witty sentence to start my blog but I couldn't think of one, so here you go!

I am Melissa and this blog is dedicated to my journey right before (so now) and beginning after I receive my sleeve gastrectomy surgery next month December 12th. I will be posting regular pictures with my progress/dramatic weight loss after surgery along with posts on my everyday struggles and successes. Things you should know about me if you don't already know me... I live in the suburbs of Santa Rosa, CA which is 45 minutes north of San Francisco in the northern California bay area. I love football, the 49ers, anything 49ers related, coffee, random factoids of knowledge, honeybees, scary movies, history and meeting new people. I work for a financial institution's corporate offices full time and enjoy going to work every single day!
I only have one recent full picture of just myself. And that is my Halloween picture at work! So meet me! Here I am...
Don't know what a sleeve gastrectomy is? No worries, I am practically a seasoned pro at explaining what it is. A sleeve gastrectomy is a type of bariatric surgery. The stomach is reduced to about 25% its original size by removing the portion of the stomach that stretches. You are then left with a long sleeve and a stomach that looks similar to a banana. After surgery, the patient's stomach can only fit 1/4 cup of food at a time. Thus, the patient loses weight at a similar speed as the more commonly known Gastric Bypass. Here is an image.

So there you have it! My very first post. In only a couple of days I will post again with the reasons I decided to go so public with my surgery posting on a blog online and why I decided to go forward with the surgery. Also, what I hope to gain with surgery and this blog. If you don't know me, don't be shy! Keep coming back and reading my blog. If you would like to email me with questions you can also do that. If you know me, I look forward to hearing your feedback.



  1. Will stand by you the whole way through! <3

  2. You go girl!...I definitely think blogging about your journey will be something you'll be thankful you did later on!

    1. Crystal, thank you for inspring me to start this blog :)

  3. I love your Halloween costume and welcome to Blog land!

  4. thanks linda! I checked out your blog earlier and I liked it! I will keep reading it :)

  5. Congrats Mely! I am so proud of you and look forward to hearing about your progress!

  6. I look forward to reading more from you! :}
