Sunday, May 26, 2013

It's been a while..

Hola blog readers!

I know it's been a while since I posted. Life has been crazy and I have to keep reminding myself of my ultimate goal and finding ways to stay motivated. I am down 72 pounds total. (3 pounds away from 75 and soo soo close but I am stalled right now :(

I have been losing weight at the speed of molasses lately. I am not sure if this is normal or if I need to be way more strict on myself because I have become more lax lately.  

Firstly, I don't work out consistently. There really shouldn't be excuses for that but it is what it is. I should be going to the gym at least 3 times a week and some weeks I do go 3 or 4 times but other weeks I slack and only go once or twice! 

Then there is also the fact that I haven't been drinking my protein shakes on a regular basis. Gosh this is so hard for me! I get it, I am horrible. I have gotten caught up in the sheer bliss of being in full on normal life mode that I forget that I still have important needs and those needs are 1. enough protein intake, 2. enough water, 3. exercise. Although I am happy to report I have taken up walks on my breaks and lunches with my good pal Crystal. It helps to be held accountable and I am happy she is around. I have a size down of pants I am just itching to get into and I am so close.

Something else to report... I have been avoiding the scale. Why? Because I became obsessed with the number on the scale instead of focusing on how I feel and how good I look. It gets draining when you allow a scale to control your emotions. e.g you aren't losing enough, you only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks, you haven't lost at all. It's all way too much to handle! I am happy with the body I have now and how I look and that is what is important. I have 50 more to lose and as expected those last 50 are going to be the HARDEST! I have only managed to lose about 10 pounds a month for the last month and a half and I feel like it really will take me a feel year to lose everything I need to lose.

One more thing for any of you that may be reading this and find you are absolutely miserable with heartburn ALL the time. Get that Prilosec!! My quality of life has dramatically increased ever since I take Prilosec everyday. I can't go without it. I can still eat the foods I love like tomatoes, onions and coffee and I have zero heartburn. I love my Prilosec and I don't understand why I wan't put on it sooner! 

I have noticed I can eat more food now and I think this is normal. I can eat about a cup of food at a time. Some foods I can eat a lot more of and I guess that scares me. When it comes to leafy greens, I can eat way more than say chicken or fish. I guess that is okay. If you are reading this and are also a sleever can you comment and let me know if you have noticed that you can eat a little bit more a couple months out of the surgery?

Anyways, below is a more recent before and after comparison. On the left is me 4 days before my surgery and the right is me this past week. Not too shabby huh? I love being curvy and healthy as opposed to just being big. This is the first time I have been this small since middle school.. it feels amazeballs (yes amazeballs ;)


  1. Hi I have been following you since before my sleeve January 7th. I am about to be 5 months out the end of the week and completely relate to what you are saying. I can absolutely eat and drink more and it scares me too! I can eat a lot of popcorn... Def a slider food for me. I also have been having alcohol with the good weather being here.... I do track my calories though everyday so that helps keep ma accountable. I am eating between 1200 and 1500 calories day. I do exercise 3 times a week. I am starting to love running which is weird for me. I lost a lot of hair last couple months but slowing down now... Whew. I have lost a total of 70 lbs but this last month I have been stuck and only lost 4-5 lbs. makes me scared too because I still have 30-40 to go and worry if it is achievable....and man how long will it take. Also find myself scared of going back I love the way I feel now to it is amaze balls !!!!! So that gets me sometimes. I also feel comfortable and just normal now... Most days I could totally forget I had surgery. Crazy. Best of luck and look forward to checking in next time.

    1. Hi Lindsey, Thanks so much for following my blog. It's good to know that there is someody else out there that reads it and has had the surgery. Thanks so much for your feedback! I will be posting a new post soon. Stay tuned :)
