Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Twas the Eve of the Sleeve...

Hi guys,

So here it is. It is the night before the sleeve. I am starting to feel all the nervousness and anxiety I am supposed to feel for surgery. I can't believe 6 months have flown by so quickly. I still remember leaving my surgeon's office after the first visit. I was crying because I was so emotional from finding out which surgery I would be having and this that I truly wanted was finally going to happen!

This journey has been so amazing and it is yet to be over! I am barely getting to the surgery part. After the surgery I will have a whole new set of challenges to address and overcome. I am getting a little emotional just typing this blog entry. These past 6 months I have learned so much about myself and about my body. I have learned what I am capable and I had to also change my relationship with food. That within itself is so much. 

This weekend I enjoyed my last weekend on this side of the sleeve. It was truly a weekend to remember. My best friend and I attended my work's Christmas party and we had such a blast! I danced and mingled with my coworkers. We even took some awesome photo booth pictures. 

Now to the surgery. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM and my surgery will be at 7:30. I have prepared everything I needed to prepare for it! It's going to be so surreal to actually be there and know this is happening. AMAZING!

I will make sure to take lots of pics when I actually get to the hospital and right after surgery. I will be in the hospital until Friday if all goes well. 

See you with lots of pictures after the sleeve!!!


  1. Next year's photo booth pictures will be on people magazine ;)

  2. Thinking of you! Glad you were able to read my text this morning just in time! Sending you positive, speedy, healing vibes!!!

  3. I hope everything went well for you? Can't wait to hear how it all went :D

    1. Chubarella, thank you for your support. I just posted my "home from the hospital" entry. hope you like it :)

  4. Crystal: energy flows! ;) Thanks for the good wishes pal!
